Mountaintop removal has already destroyed more than 1.5 million acres of hardwood forest and 1,200 miles of streams in a region that boasts the world's highest diversity of salamanders, crayfishes, and freshwater mussels. During election season, then-presidential candidate Barack Obama called mountaintop removal mining an "environmental disaster." But now, rather than stand up to coal-mining interests and put an end to this disaster, Obama's administration has green-lighted the issuance of permits for mountaintop removal in Appalachia -- one of the most important biodiversity areas in the United States -- while simultaneously promising "to ensure mining activities will occur in a more environmentally protective way in or near Appalachian streams."
To be clear: There's no environmentally sound way to blow up a mountain and then dump it into a stream.
The Center for Biological Diversity is working around the clock to take on dirty energy projects and stop destructive mining that harms our nation's wildlife and wildlands. Please join the Center's efforts by sending a letter to your congressional representatives.
Take action today by visiting the Center for Biological Diversity.
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