A behind-the-scenes look at homeless animals in America.
It stars a loveable dog named Clover and an adorable cat called Oreo. Best Friend Forgotten, a compelling documentary that follows Clover and Oreo through two different US shelters.
The movie takes a behind-the-scenes look at the crisis of pet overpopulation. The statistics are staggering: in every community in America, dogs and cats by the hundreds and thousands are left homeless through no fault of their own. Only a fraction of these hopeful animals find good homes.
Clover and Oreo are two such hopefuls, examples of the kinds of highly adoptable pets that make their way into US shelters every day. Clover was taken in from the streets of Los Angeles while Oreo was found in a Chicago tenement building. After being rescued by animal control officers, each is taken to a local shelter.
Once there, Clover and Oreo face a heartbreaking reality - less than half of the 6-8 million animals who enter US shelters each year are adopted. This is not for a lack of trying. "Animal shelters provide care and, whenever possible, loving homes for homeless pets. Too often, they must instead provide a humane death. Due to a lack of appropriate resources, a shortage of families looking to adopt, a constant influx of unwanted animals from the community, and a lack of targeted spay and neuter programs, millions of innocent animals are euthenized annually," says Kate Pullen, The HSUS Director of Animal Sheltering.
This tragedy, however, is completely preventable. But only if people become aware of the crisis.
The plague of pet overpopulation is invisible to most people, and this movie will bring it home to them.
My hope is that this movie will motivate you to go to your local shelter and take home a loving animal companion. For those who have dogs and cats at home, I hope the film will encourage you to spay and neuter your pets.
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