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October 25, 2012
The Pronghorn Overpass
The fastest land animal in the U.S. now has safe passage across a Wyoming highway -- extending a seasonal migration that's been going on for 6,000 years.
Pronghorn antelope have started using two overpasses atop Highway 191 that were completed this fall, the Wildlife Conservation Society announced this week. Eight-foot high fencing channels the animals to the crossing points.
“The importance of these overpasses and their use by pronghorn cannot be overstated,” Joel
Berger, a Wildlife Conservation Society scientist, said in a statement announcing the first successful crossings. “They eliminate the danger of collisions and will help to preserve a spectacular element of our natural heritage -- the longest mammal migration in the 48 contiguous United States.”
The group has been tracking pronghorn in the area and provided data for Wyoming to decide where to put the overpasses.
The entire $10 million project includes six underpasses used by deer, moose, elk and other animals. Pronghorn got the overpasses because they don't like going into tunnels.
The eight passages are along a 13-mile stretch of Highway 191. The state's aim was to reduce car-wildlife crashes -- from 2002 and 2006, 49 deer and three pronghorn were killed in crashes.
Able to run at speeds up to 70 mph, pronghorn probably numbered around 35 million in North America two centuries ago, the Wildlife Conservation Society stated. Today, Wyoming is home to more than half of the estimated 700,000 pronghorn left in North America.
The pronghorn use the corridor to get back and forth between winter sagebrush in the Upper Green River Basin and summer grounds in Grand Teton National Park.
Several hundred make the 93-mile migration each season -- and now they have the chance to do it without stopping at Highway 191.
The Associated Press, NBC news and Y2Y Conservation

October 19, 2012
10 Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Footprint
Just like everyone has a carbon footprint, people also have
a plastic footprint – which measures how much plastic a person uses during a
given time period.
While it is impossible – and arguably impractical – to
entirely eliminate plastic from your life, you can take steps to cut
unnecessary plastics. Here are 10 easy
ways to reduce your plastic footprint:
1. Stop using
single-use plastic water bottles. In
nearly all cases, the water out of your tap is just as safe – if not safer –
than the water distributed in single-use plastic bottles. Instead, buy and use a reusable bottle and
fill it with water.
2. Whenever possible,
buy food in bulk. Buying food in bulk
helps to reduce the total amount of packaging materials consumed.
3. Buy your
music/movies electronically. By
purchasing your music electronically, you avoid the need to create plastic
compact discs, plastic jewel cases, and cellophane wrapping.
4. Stop using plastic
grocery bags. Each year over one
trillion plastic bags are used worldwide. Because these bags are so light and thin, they are easily carried by the
wind out into the environment. Instead,
use reusable bags to get your groceries and other purchases home.
5. Say “NO” to
pre-packaged single serving portions. These types of products are among the worst when it comes to excess
6. Reusable containers
are rad! When it comes to lunch and leftovers, ditch the plastic bag and use
reusable containers instead. Reusable
containers are just as easy to use and far less harmful to the planet
7. Buy a reusable
travel mug. Use a reusable travel mug or
to-go cup for your coffee, tea and other beverage purchases. Think of all the lids (as well as the waxed
paper cups) you’ll save.
8. Always look for
alternative packaging. Many items such as soft drinks, detergent, cat litter,
etc. come in alternate packaging (such as aluminum or cardboard) that can be
more easily recycled than plastic.
9. Buy and sell
secondhand. Clothing, toys, baby gear,
furniture, household supplies, sporting goods and many other consumer items can
often be found through secondhand sources, thereby reducing the amount of new
plastic entering the waste stream.
10. Recycle! In those
instances where you must use plastic, please make sure to recycle it. Most plastics can be upcycled to make cool
and useful items.

Gardening with Autumn Leaves
What should you do with the leaves that fall in your yard?
Autumn leaves are a huge gift to gardeners. With minimal effort, they can be used to feed plants, build the soil, protect against disease, shelter tender perennials, and control weeds. And they're free!
What's important is shredding them. Left whole, they'll mat together, preventing oxygen and bacteria from penetrating the layers. The easiest way to shred them is to simply run over them with the lawn mower a few times. This is particularly handy if it's the lawn you want to feed; just mow them into bits and leave them.
Or, if you have a leaf blower, forget the "blowing" part and turn it to "vacuum." Your leaves will be nicely shredded, and contained too.
Once they're shredded you can:
This is a beautiful time of year. Make the most of what nature has to offer you.
Autumn leaves are a huge gift to gardeners. With minimal effort, they can be used to feed plants, build the soil, protect against disease, shelter tender perennials, and control weeds. And they're free!
What's important is shredding them. Left whole, they'll mat together, preventing oxygen and bacteria from penetrating the layers. The easiest way to shred them is to simply run over them with the lawn mower a few times. This is particularly handy if it's the lawn you want to feed; just mow them into bits and leave them.
Or, if you have a leaf blower, forget the "blowing" part and turn it to "vacuum." Your leaves will be nicely shredded, and contained too.
Once they're shredded you can:
- Feed the soil - cover garden beds with a 3- to 4-inch layer of shredded leaves, or turn them under with a tiller.
- Compost them - Leaf mold is a horticultural mainstay that can even be used to replace peat in potting soil mixes. Whether you're composting them alone or adding them to an existing pile, be sure to soak them down.
- Use as mulch - Tuck a 4- to 6-inch layer around perennials for winter protection.
This is a beautiful time of year. Make the most of what nature has to offer you.

Clean Water Act turns 40
This week marks the 40th anniversary of one of America’s
landmark environmental bills, the Clean Water Act (CWA). In 1972, Democrats and
Republicans alike supported the passage of this bill as citizens across this
country were outraged at the gross and rampant pollution that was spreading
through our waterways. While most of our national attention focuses on the
upcoming elections, I hope that our leaders in DC remember that nothing is more
essential to our health, economy, and quality of life than clean water.
Read more here about what the CWA has achieved over the last
four decades and the challenges we face going forward.

October 18, 2012
Giant Mysterious Eyeball
A giant blue eyeball washed ashore last week in Pompano
Beach, Florida and left many wondering about the origin. Researchers
from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission declared that the
eyeball most likely came from a swordfish. The experts based their conclusion
on the eyeball’s color, size and structure, along with the presence of bone
around it. Genetic testing will be done to confirm the identification.

October 17, 2012
The Winner of Worst Environmental Offender of 2012 is...
Take your pick. Below are the three top environmental offenders of 2012 according to a poll taken by the Center for Biological Diversity. Every year CBD asks the public to vote for the "winner" of the worst. They are calling this "award" the Dodo Award, named after the most famous extinct animal.
Here they are, in no particular order:
Here they are, in no particular order:
Sen. James Inhofe: When it comes to denying the climate
crisis -- the single-greatest threat facing life on Earth -- James Inhofe has
few peers. The Oklahoma Republican is the ringleader of right-wing
climate-deniers in Congress and a driving force behind the tragic lack of U.S.
action to tackle this crisis. Sure, every major scientific organization on the
planet is sounding the alarm bells about global warming, and more than 40,000
temperature records have been broken in the United States this year alone. Yes,
a new study says climate change may kill 100 million people by 2030. But Inhofe
insists it's all an elaborate hoax. Rather than heed the call from the world's
scientists, Inhofe is doubling down on "denialist politics," insisting on
projects like the Keystone XL pipeline that will dig us deeper into a climate
hole that already comes up to our chins.
Sen. Jon Tester: If you're wondering why most wolves in the
West are no longer protected by the Endangered Species Act, look no further
than Mr. Tester. The Montana Democrat stuck a rider on a must-pass budget bill
that eliminated federal protections from wolves in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho and
parts of three other states. The bill set a dangerous precedent, marking the
first time that politicians, rather than scientists, decided when a species
should lose its protections. It's had disastrous on-the-ground impacts, too:
Since Tester's bill, more than 600 wolves in the West have been killed by
hunters, trappers and government agents. What's more, Tester just added another
provision to another bill, aiming to ban the government from saving thousands
of eagles, condors, swans and other birds from being lethally poisoned by lead
hunting ammunition left in the wild.
Shell: Talk about not taking "no" for an answer.
Shell Oil is determined to sink its drills into the pristine Arctic, no matter
how great the danger that poses to polar bears, walruses or other Far North
wildlife. Since 2007 Shell had tried and failed to launch industrial
oil-drilling operations in the Arctic Ocean (and recently sued a dozen
environmental groups that had kept the company out of the region). The Obama
administration opened the door to the Arctic this year, only to see Shell
caught up in a series of blunders. First the company announced it couldn't
comply with air-pollution permits and asked the EPA to waive Clean Air Act
requirements. Next its drillship slipped its moorings off the coast of Alaska
and drifted dangerously close to shore. Finally a mishap with an oil-spill
containment device forced Shell to call off plans to drill for oil this year.
But certainly the oil giant will try to return to the Arctic in 2013 -- much to
the dismay of anyone who cares about clean oceans, safe sea life and a climate
that's not choked by fossil-fuel pollution.
Tell me who you think should win the Dodo Award.

October 15, 2012
Circus without Animals
Bob Barker delivers a service announcement for Circus PAWS,
a collaboration between Cirque du Soleil and the Performing Animal Welfare Society.
No animals feature in the performances, and the main attraction are some extremely
talented kids.
“Come on Down!” And check it out.
“Come on Down!” And check it out.

October 14, 2012
Legend of the Woolly Bear Caterpillar
I was out with a group of elementary-aged kids on a field trip, having lunch near a garden, when one of the kids noticed what they called a "fuzzy worm." I told them the "fuzzy worm" was actually called a "woolly bear caterpillar." Then one of their chaperons looked at the woolly bear and exclaimed, "It looks like we're in for a mild winter!" I knew what she was talking about. I also knew that, like most people, she has it wrong - but it's not her fault...
Legend has it that the wider the woolly bear caterpillar's orangey-brown middle band, the milder the impending winter. But the woolly bear's famous prognosticating band is actually an indicator of age: the wider the band, the earlier in the season the woolly bear was hatched. And, as early hatchings indicate a warm and early spring, the woolly bear does indeed wear the weather in its wool, but it's last season's pattern, not the next.
Find the truth to other legends.

October 13, 2012
Ten Ways to Save Water – and Our Water Sources
The water problems we face are complex and urgent. The only
way to create a healthier future is for everyone to do their part. We must use
less water and save the sources of our water. There are actions that each of us
can take, inside and outside, to reduce our own impacts.
Inside -
1. Run washing machines & dishwashers only when they’re
full. Large loads = less water used. And save energy by turning off the auto-dry
setting and letting your dishes dry naturally.
2. Keeping a timer in your bathroom will help you take a
shorter shower. And please turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth. All
that perfectly clean tap water is just going down the drain.
3. Turn off lights and unplug chargers. Water is used in all
forms of energy generation. It can take over 4 gallons of water to keep a
60-watt light bulb lit for 12 hours.
4. Use biodegradable cleaning products. The water that goes
down your drains will eventually flow into streams and bays.
5. Skip meat for one meal a week (at LEAST). It can take about 600 gallons of water to
produce a hamburger. (Think of all the grain that’s grown to feed the cattle.)
Outside -
6. Plant a tree in your yard or a friend’s yard. Trees help
keep soil in place – rather than flowing into our streams and lakes – and help
slow water down, reducing flooding and enabling more rainwater to trickle down
into groundwater supplies.
7. Landscape irrigation is by far the largest source of
domestic water uses so consider taking these steps to reduce your impact:
•Water your lawn or garden in the morning or the evening
when the water will evaporate less rapidly. Adjust sprinklers to avoid the
pointless watering of sidewalks or paved areas.
•Sweep patios and sidewalks rather than hosing them, which
wastes water and carries contaminants into freshwater systems.
•Limit pesticide use. Pesticides are the only substances we
intentionally introduce into our environment to kill living things, and besides
being potentially dangerous to people, pets and wildlife, they’ll eventually be
carried into our freshwater supply by runoff.
8. Make sure your hiking gear is free of plant matter when
you head out into nature. Seeds of invasive plant species can hitch a ride on
boots. Invasive species can cause many water problems, including absorbing more
water than native species and sending erosion and bacteria into rivers and
9. Volunteer for a stream-clean up or wetland restoration
10. Take someone on a hike near a river or lake – or better
yet, get in or on the water – swimming, kayaking, canoeing, etc. People protect
things they care about.

October 12, 2012
Save the Stamp that Saves Species
Right now, the global wildlife poaching crisis has reached epidemic levels and stopping it requires all of us to do our part. Rangers are serving on the front lines, protecting wildlife. WWF is working with U.S. officials to combat illegal wildlife trade. And thousands of Americans like you are helping save those same species one stamp at a time through the U.S. Postal Service’s Save Vanishing Species stamp.
However, despite raising more than $1.5 million over the last year to protect rhinos, tigers and elephants at no cost to the federal government, the Save Vanishing Species stamp could itself vanish if Congress doesn’t vote to renew it before they adjourn in December.
At a time when the wildlife species we love are facing the worst threats to their survival we have ever seen, ending programs that help to save them is the last thing we should do. Critical funds generated by the stamp mean more rangers on the ground, more training for park guards and fewer animals lost to poachers.
A simple vote to extend the life of the Save Vanishing Species stamp could literally mean the difference between life and death for these animals.
Make your voice heard.

October 8, 2012
Marine Biologists use Dog to Track & Save Whales
A dog named Tucker, once a stray on the streets of Seattle,
is playing a vital role in saving orcas, an endangered species. Tucker, a black
lab mix, bears the proud distinction of being the world’s only working dog that
is trained to detect and follow the scent of orca scat in the open ocean at
distances of up to a mile away.

Desalination no Remedy for California Water Woes
Producing drinking water from seawater has been
technologically achievable for several decades. Until recently, however,
application of seawater desalination ("desal") on a large scale has
been primarily limited to arid regions of the world that have a cheap supply of
energy, such as in the Middle East. Desalination plants can take water from the
ocean or drill down and grab the less salty, brackish water from seaside
aquifers. It is a worldwide phenomenon that has been embraced in thirsty California,
with its cycles of drought and growing population. But many projects have been
stymied by skyrocketing costs and legal challenges.

October 7, 2012
Mysterious Deep Sea Circles
Yoji Ookata, a deep-sea photographer and diver who has been
documenting the ocean for more than 50 years, saw something he had never
observed before: A circular pattern of rippling sand about 80 feet below sea
level and 6 feet in diameter on the ocean floor. Ookata dubbed his new find the
"mystery circle" and was shocked to discover that a single puffer
fish, no more than a few inches long, had created the circles using just one

Northeast Ocean Temperatures Reach Record High
Federal ocean scientists said this year’s sea surface
temperatures along the northeast coast of the U.S. set all-time records, with
as-yet unknown consequences for marine ecosystems. Above-average temperatures
were found in all parts of the ecosystem, from the ocean bottom to the sea
surface. The average sea surface temperature exceeded 51 degrees during the
first half of 2012, topping the previous record high set in 1951. The average
sea surface temperature the past three decades has ranged around 48 degrees.

October 6, 2012
Japanese Tsunami Debris Washes Ashore in Hawaii
More than 16 months after an earthquake and tsunami
devastated parts of Japan, debris has begun to wash ashore in the U.S.'s
Pacific Ocean coastal states. The debris first arrived on beaches in Alaska and
Oregon but now Hawaii is being affected. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) has confirmed that a large plastic bin which washed
ashore on Friday was a piece of debris from Japan and had floated across the
Pacific Ocean. The sad reality is that the massive amount of tsunami debris is
still only a fraction of total amount of marine pollution that is out there.
The battle exists on many fronts.

Ice Record Set in Antarctic
In a potential distraction from the news that Arctic sea-ice
extent reached a record low, Antarctic sea ice reached its highest level ever
recorded for the 256th day of the calendar year on Sept. 12. The physical
geography of the two hemispheres is very different, so the effects of global
warming would be seen first in the Arctic and not the Antarctic.

October 5, 2012
Shark Saves Man Drifting at Sea
A lost fisherman, who drifted at sea for 15 weeks, sleeping
next to his dead brother-in-law, was eventually helped to safety - by a shark.
Toakai Teitoi was stuck on a 15ft wooden boat for more than 100 days after he
ran out of fuel and the vessel drifted deep into the Pacific. Teitoi claims it
was only after the intervention of a circling shark that he was eventually

Seismic Testing off California Coast
Seismic testing is slated to begin off the coast of Central California this November. Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) proposed the tests to assess the susceptibility of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Generating Facility to seismic activity. A 240-foot ship will tow powerful air cannons along a 50-mile stretch of the Central Coast, shooting deafening underwater explosions (upward of 250 decibels) every 13 seconds for 42 straight days. This action will be catastrophic to local marine life, especially marine mammals, which rely on their sensitive auditory capabilities for communication and navigation. The takings permit for the project – the estimated amount of wildlife that could be killed – includes 15 blue whales, 13 humpback whales, 1,652 bottlenose dolphins, 1,062 California sea lions and 1,485 southern sea otters There is also the possibility of death or injury to thousands of other marine mammals, and untold scores of fish and birds. This potential loss of wildlife is even more staggering considering it will impact areas specially designated to protect marine life.

October 3, 2012
How to Decorate to Save Energy during Winter
For many of us, cooler weather means higher utility bills.
As the temperatures drop, it takes more energy and money to power our homes.
Research conducted by EnergyStar.gov found that lighting accounts for 12
percent and heating nearly 30 percent of energy usage in an average American
While you may be aware of measures that can reduce energy
bills – like adding insulation to your attic, programmable thermostats, or
energy efficient appliances – did you know that your home decor can also help
boost your home’s energy efficiency? Here are a few simple home decor tips that
can help trim your utility bills this winter:
Work those windows
Windows add beauty to a home, but they are also a major
contributor to energy waste. Experts estimate that 10 to 25 percent of
residential heating costs are due to unprotected or ill-fitting windows. Proper
weather stripping of windows is essential. Installing double-paned Energy Star
windows with a low-e coating is an excellent way to preserve heat and energy.
The gas center of the dual panes adds protection from the cold, while the low-e
coating reflects heat back into the home.
Additionally, the window treatments you choose can greatly
enhance your home’s energy efficiency, limiting expensive dependence on heating
and air conditioning. Online retailer Blindsgalore.com carries a large variety
of energy-efficient window treatments, including cellular shades, wood blinds,
faux wood blinds and solar screens. The honeycomb design of cellular shades
traps an insulating layer of air within the pockets of the shade. Wood and
faux-wood blinds add elegant style to a home, while also blocking drafts and
trapping heat inside. Solar screens are interior window treatments that
diminish energy transfer and heat loss through windows, while still admitting
light and allowing line of sight.
Window tinting is another emerging energy conservation
technique. During the warmer months the tinting eliminates 60 percent of solar
heat from entering the home, while also blocking 99 percent of the harmful
ultraviolet rays that fade furniture and carpet. The nearly transparent film
helps reduce glare on televisions and computer screens, but most importantly,
can reduce cooling costs by 30 percent. During the winter, the tinting material
works as another layer of window insulation.
Kick it up with color
Color affects mood in home decor, but did you know it also
changes a room’s energy efficiency? It is more than a psychological effect;
painting in darker warm colors, especially the exterior of a house, increases
the temperature. Dark colors absorb more light, pulling heat into the
Another opportunity for a pop of color can be found in
flooring. Dark-colored wood floors (for example, espresso) are much more energy
efficient than tiled floors. Tile is a highly effective heat conductor that
pulls warmth away from your feet, making it feel much colder than wood, which
pushes the heat back toward your feet.
Choosing darker blinds and flooring can increase absorption
and retention of warmth from the day, helping lower your heating bills
throughout the winter.
Insider insulation
Quality of insulation is the keystone of energy-efficiency.
Adding chic fabrics to the walls is a great way to insulate a room, making it
feel warmer and quieter. Heavy fabric drapes help block drafts and keep heat in
your home. Increase the insulation in your room by covering large areas of bare
floor with thick area rugs. Attractive throw blankets and decorative pillows on
your couch will add a sense of comfortable warmth and allow for a lower
thermostat setting.
Updating your home decor is more than just fun; it can also
help make your home cozy and more energy-efficient for this winter season.

Make a Game with Autumn Leaves
Old leaves can become a new game. Make an autumn obstacle
What you need:
•a yard full of leaves
•rakes and bags
1.Design your course. Decide where you will build your course, what shape it will take, and what obstacles you will include. Here are some obstacle ideas to get you started:
1.Fall into the season. Tell your child that autumn has another name – fall. Ask if he or she can guess where the name came from. Explain that it refers to the time of year when the leaves on some trees turn color and “fall” off.
What you need:
•a yard full of leaves
•rakes and bags
•3 bean bags (optional)
What you do:
1.Design your course. Decide where you will build your course, what shape it will take, and what obstacles you will include. Here are some obstacle ideas to get you started:
◦Pile of leaves to crawl through,
◦Bags of leaves to leap over,
◦Paper grocery bags that must be filled with leaves before
continuing on,
◦Stations where your child must find three bean bags (or
other objects) that are buried in a leaf pile, and
◦A huge pile of leaves to dive into as the grand finale.
2.Start raking. To make an obstacle course, you’ll need
leaves, lots of them. Give your child a small rake so he or she can help
collect the leaves you’ll need. Then arrange the leaves into the obstacle
course you designed earlier. (If you have two kids who want to race, make two
identical courses.)
3.Ready, set, go! Now it’s time to have fun. Race with your
child or referee two kids racing. Or time your child as he or she runs the
course. Change the obstacles to keep the fun going.
What you talk about:
1.Fall into the season. Tell your child that autumn has another name – fall. Ask if he or she can guess where the name came from. Explain that it refers to the time of year when the leaves on some trees turn color and “fall” off.
2.Why do leaves change color? Explain to your child that
leaves are green because they contain chlorophyll, a substance that helps
plants make food. In fall, leaves stop making chlorophyll, and their green
color fades. That’s when other colors that were underneath—the beautiful yellows,
reds and oranges of fall—can show through. Ask your child to guess the most
common leaf color (Answer: yellow.)
3.Fall recycling. Help your child discover ways that nature
reuses old leaves. Overturn a bunch of leaves that have been on the ground for
a while. You’re likely to find insects and other creatures. That’s because
leaves provide these animals with food and shelter. Look for leaves from last
year, and show your child how the old leaves have begun to decay. Explain that
these old, rotten leaves enrich the soil, supplying food so other plants can

October 2, 2012
Marine Park the "Size of the Moon"
Former international rugby league player turned environmentalist, Kevin Iro, is a driving force behind the part of the park that will encompass the Cook Islands - a nation whose combined landmass is barely bigger than Washington DC.
"When I was a kid, this was all alive," said Iro, grimacing as he scooped up a lump of dead, grey coral while walking the white sands of a Cook Island beach in the Pacific.
"There were tracks in the coral and if you walked off them you could hear the coral crunching. Now there's no coral here, basically."
The Cooks' Prime Minister Henry Puna formally unveiled the 1.065 million square kilometre (411,000 square mile) reserve when he hosted the Pacific Islands Forum last month, vowing to protect the ocean for future generations.
Puna said the commitment by the tiny nation of 15 islands was its major contribution "to the well-being of not only our peoples, but also of humanity".
Peter Seligmann, co-founder of green group Conservation International (CI), said the establishment of such a large marine park was a courageous move for the Cooks and placed the Pacific at the forefront of ocean conservation.
But to Seligmann the Cook Islands park, while welcome, is just a single piece of the jigsaw.
The American is working with Pacific island states to create a network of similar parks across the region to ensure one of the world's last pristine ocean ecosystems is managed sustainably.
The scale of the proposed network, dubbed the Pacific Oceanscape, is unprecedented - a 40 million square kilometre area stretching from the Marshall Islands in the north almost to New Zealand in the south.
That's about eight per cent of the world's surface area, almost four times larger than Europe and big enough to fit Australia in five times over. It's almost exactly the same size as the surface area of the Moon.
"What we are seeing is the largest conservation initiative in history," Seligmann told AFP. "Piece by piece, nation by nation, it's coming together. It's massive."
Source: US Fish & Wildlife

September 30, 2012
Who was the “Greenest” President?
Recently, the heads of 12 environmental organizations were asked to rank the greenest Presidents in US history. Now, think to yourself, what's the most liberal, the most radical of the major environmental organizations? Many of you will have chosen Greenpeace for that distinction.
Now, which President would you think the head of Greenpeace,
Phil Radford, would choose as the greenest President? Barack Obama? Nope.
Maybe Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton; LBJ or FRD? Gotta be a
Democrat right?
Phil's choice for the greenest President was Richard Milhous
Nixon had a "dynamic duo" on the environment:
Russell Train and William Ruckelshaus. Mr. Train died Monday at the age of 92.
Much of the credit for President Nixon's and President Ford's environmental
achievements goes to Mr. Train. He is rightly regarded as one of the most
important environmental policymakers in the history of the United States.

September 28, 2012
23 More Species Protected in Hawaii
An important win for some of Hawaii's rarest species: On
Monday the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service finalized Endangered Species Act
protections for 23 Oahu species and protected more than 42,000 acres of those
species' most important habitats. The decision is the latest product of the
Center for Biological Diversity's historic agreement last year to speed up
protection decisions for 757 imperiled plants and animals around the country.
Twenty of the species
in this week's decision are plants, including four identified as the
"rarest of the rare," numbering fewer than 50 individuals remaining
in the wild. The other three species are damselflies -- shiny-winged insects
that metamorphose like butterflies -- and most of these species have been declining,
and on the waiting list for protection, for years.

September 24, 2012
Oil Rigs and Conservation
First life, oil rig; next life, reef?
(Reuters) - In an ironic twist, scientists, fishermen and
conservationists are urging that hundreds of dormant oil rigs be left standing
in the Gulf of Mexico, arguing that a U.S. federal plan to remove them will
endanger coral reefs and fish.
While environmentalists might more typically be expected to
oppose artificial intrusions in the marine habitat, those seeking a halt to the
removal want time to study the impact of rig destruction on the Gulf Coast's
economy and to catalog the species, some rare and endangered, that are clinging
to the sunken metal.
"I am not supporting oil rigs. I am supporting fish
habitat that just happens to on petroleum platforms," said Bob Shipp (AFS
member, 89), chairman of the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of
South Alabama.
U.S. Department of Interior officials say the federal
"idle iron" policy, updated in 2010, makes good sense after storms
during the 2005 hurricane season toppled 150 defunct oil rigs, causing
considerable damage.
If defunct rigs are toppled by storms, they can break loose
and hit other rigs - potentially causing an oil spill - be swept to land and
destroy a dock or a bridge, knock into and damage natural reefs and cause
problems with ship navigation.
"Cleaning up afterwards is a lot more expensive and inefficient,"
said David Smith, spokesman for the department's Bureau of Safety and
Environmental Enforcement.
Federal law has long required the removal of drilling
infrastructure no longer in use, but a 2010 agency notice asked operators to
detail plans for 650 dormant oil and gas production platforms in the Gulf of
Mexico and 3,500 inactive wells.
Companies have to demonstrate the infrastructure will be put
to use eventually or offer a plan to move ahead with decommissioning, the
agency said.
The structures have attracted as many as 3 acres (1.2
hectares) of coral habitat per rig, and some 30,000 fish live off of each reef,
according to Shipp.
"They developed into an oasis for reef fishes,"
said Shipp, a member of the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council.

September 23, 2012
Meet the New Mobile App - Rippl
Ocean Conservancy has announced their very first mobile app:
I pulled the summary up on my iPhone, and here’s what it
“Rippl is a free app that helps you make sustainable
lifestyle choices by delivering weekly green living tips for simple changes we
all want to make. This one-of-a-kind app provides opportunities to build green
living habits into your daily routine through customizable reminders. We
provide you a suggested change and you decide how the app will interact with
you based on your own personal schedule. Always forgetting your reusable bags?”
(Yes, argh!). “Rippl will remind you
to grab them before you leave the house and then track your progress to show
you just how big an impact you are having. This is your first step in forming
habits that will not only help save you money but will also help keep trash out
of our landfills and the environment.”
I just downloaded it!

September 22, 2012
Fighting the Arctic Thaw
"Record Ice Thaw in Arctic, Greenland" read the
September 6 headline.
No, it wasn't on Treehugger -- it was on the pages of the "Wall Street Journal." Recent reports show that Arctic sea ice has melted more than ever before, with estimates that the Arctic could be ice-free in the summer months by as early as 2020.
No, it wasn't on Treehugger -- it was on the pages of the "Wall Street Journal." Recent reports show that Arctic sea ice has melted more than ever before, with estimates that the Arctic could be ice-free in the summer months by as early as 2020.
We count on the Arctic ice cap to help regulate
our global climate, as it reflects light and helps keep the ocean from
overheating. This Arctic thaw is also contributing to rising ocean
temperatures, and accelerating global warming. To make matters worse, the
Greenland ice shelf is melting at increasing and alarming rates, causing sea
levels to rise. You can learn more in "Sea Level Rise: It's Real and NoJoke" and get the facts about the Arctic thaw.

Frack Attack
Toxic spills ... poisoned drinking water ... air that’s
unsafe to breathe.
This could be the new reality for thousands of communities
across America -- unless we fight back and Stop the Frack Attack right now.
Send a message to President Obama. Ask him to build on his environmental record
by imposing tough safeguards on oil and gas drilling!
Oil and gas companies are running amok as they race to
expand dangerous fracking operations in dozens of states -- leaving poisoned
water, polluted landscapes and plummeting property values in their wake.
The result? Local communities, once quiet and peaceful, have
been transformed into nightmarish industrial zones.
Incredibly, fracking is now exempt from some of our
country’s most important environmental protections.
That’s because, in 2005, Vice-President Dick Cheney asked
his cronies in the energy industry what they wanted, and they got their wish:
the Halliburton Loophole, which exempts fracking from the Safe Drinking Water
Act and laws that govern disposal of toxic waste!
And there’s plenty that’s toxic about fracking. It works by
blasting massive amounts of water, sand and toxic chemicals into the ground in
order to release oil or gas that is trapped in rock. Frackers can use up to 300
different chemicals, many of which are known to be cancer-causing.
But if you want to know which of these potentially deadly
chemicals Big Oil is pumping into the ground near your home -- tough luck!
Federal law doesn’t require oil and gas companies to disclose what chemicals
they’re using.
In the past five years, ExxonMobil, Shell and other energy
companies have drilled more than 200,000 new wells across the United States --
many virtually in the backyards of tens of thousands of Americans. And they’re
chomping at the bit to drill more.

September 21, 2012
Stop the Poaching
Ten billion dollars: That's just an estimate of how much
criminals will make this year by selling illegal wildlife parts and products.
The same gangs trading in drugs, arms and humans will plunder some of our most
iconic species in the wild. They've already started.
Their billions come at the cost of rhinos, elephants, tigers
and other rare wildlife. Their crimes also put at risk the lives of rangers and
local community members on the front lines of conservation and jeopardize the
economies and national security of many governments--including the United
We cannot afford to treat wildlife crime lightly.
This year it is estimated that:
•tens of thousands of elephants will be brutally poached,
further shrinking their populations in places like Central Africa, an area
where one out of every two elephants have been lost since the mid-1990s
•nearly 18,000 pounds
of illicit rhino horn will reach Asian markets, where the street price rivals
that of pure gold
•the remaining 3,200 wild tigers will continue to be
relentlessly targeted by poachers to meet the high demand from a thriving black
Show your passion for
wildlife by signing this pledge to stop wildlife crime.
Your personal commitment will help to underscore the
seriousness of wildlife crime. It will also show that you care not only about
Earth’s magnificent wildlife, but also about the people and ecosystems that
benefit from them.
Together we can stop wildlife crime.

Shell has Stopped its Arctic Drilling!
Shell announced on Tuesday that it was stopping its Arctic drilling program for 2012!
This is great news and a strong reminder of the power that people have when they come together around a single idea.
Shell was set to kickstart the Arctic oil rush. The company had already invested seven years and about five billion dollars to make it happen. But thanks to Mother Nature, Shell’s own incompetence and the millions of people who have taken action to save the Arctic, Shell's plans have been put on hold until next year.
This is our opportunity to make sure Shell doesn’t get a second chance next year and to save the Arctic once and for all.
Join the millions who have already taken action to save the Arctic and add your name to the petition calling for a global sanctuary in the high Arctic.
The importance of this moment can’t be overestimated. Other major oil companies are now questioning the logic of Arctic drilling. Only a few days ago, the Norwegian company Statoil said it was going to wait and see how Shell’s plan goes before moving forward with its own in the Arctic.
It should now be pretty clear to Shell that Arctic oil drilling is an expensive and risky mistake.
This is huge in the campaign to save the Arctic. But the fight isn’t over. There is still work to do if we want to permanently protect the Arctic from Big Oil and climate change.
Add your name to the petition today, and let’s create a global sanctuary in the high Arctic where polar bears and the other living creatures that call it home will be protected.

Plastic Pollution in our Oceans
Plastic debris in our oceans kills hundreds of thousands of
seabirds, endangered sea turtles, rare seals and other marine species every
year. Roughly 40% of the world's oceans are covered in giant, swirling
convergences of garbage, including billions of pounds of plastic that have
become semi-permanent floating islands.
More plastic has been produced in the past decade than in
the entire 20th century, and much of it ends up in the ocean. For instance, in
the Los Angeles area alone, 20 tons of plastic fragments -- grocery bags, straws
and soda bottles -- are carried into the Pacific every day. All this plastic
takes a deadly toll on hundreds of marine animals, from brown boobies (pictured above) to great
white sharks.
Please take a moment to sign the petition asking the
Environmental Protection Agency to curb plastic pollution on our beaches and in
our oceans.

Polar Bears Arrested in Russia
Moscow police have arrested 10 environmental activists,
including four dressed in polar bear costumes, who were protesting outside the
main office of Gazprom, the Russian oil and natural gas giant. A Russian
Greenpeace member told local news reporters that oil exploration in the Arctic
would "inevitably lead to physical destruction of the region" and
that Greenpeace is trying to "create a conversation zone around the North

September 20, 2012
How NOT to Save the Rainforest
This is a fast-paced, adventure-packed, rainforest-saving
And it’s awesome!
Check it out.
Follow the Frog.
And it’s awesome!
Check it out.
Follow the Frog.

Rare Deep-Sea Anglerfish Recorded
Scientists say they've captured the first-ever video of a
rare anglerfish first identified from a dead specimen in 1891 but never seen
alive. Researchers at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute are
reporting the first observations of the deep-sea anglerfish Chaunacops
coloratus using remotely operated undersea vehicles. The fish, which can “walk”
and changes color throughout its life, was found nearly 11,000 feet below the

September 19, 2012
Back to School Fall Reminiscence
My daughter is a freshman in college this year studying
animal sciences, and I’m reminded of the start of my freshman year many years
What I wanted were chickens. I had always wanted them. But chickens need special housing, more specifically a coop and a pen, and that’s why, in part, I’d never had them. But when I was a freshman in college, I did raise a lovely leghorn chick – one I’d kidnapped from a lab – where it was about to undergo experiments on its eyes.
That year chicken fever reached a pitch by the time the county fair rolled around at the end of September. I couldn’t bear to look at the white meat chickens, with their huge breast muscles and stocky legs. Like the turkeys, they looked maladapted, over-weight, and miserable. No, I stared at the show bantams in their tiny cages like a car fanatic at an auto show, taking in every detail, every finely penciled feather and glossy hackle. The silver Sebright laid me low. M.C. Escher couldn’t have invented a more beautiful chicken. Only nature can do that.
Most people, I suspect, want chickens for one of two things: meat or eggs. The thought of offing these chickens for meat would be, for me, similar to murder.
What I wanted were chickens. I had always wanted them. But chickens need special housing, more specifically a coop and a pen, and that’s why, in part, I’d never had them. But when I was a freshman in college, I did raise a lovely leghorn chick – one I’d kidnapped from a lab – where it was about to undergo experiments on its eyes.
I saw the tiny pink comb emerging from the cocoa brown
stripes on its little head and I couldn’t bear to think of him going under the
knife. I asked the professor if I might have him, and he assented. Being newly
hatched, he imprinted on me as his mother and followed me wherever I went, a
chicken on campus. Thinking back on it, I believe that I, with my ripped jeans,
tailbone-length hair, and imprinted chicken, continued to be admitted to that
institution for comic relief.
I raised him until he was a lanky, freely pooping adolescent
rooster. My suite mates weren’t exactly sure how to behave. He lived in our
common room and was pleasant enough as long as I kept his papers fresh. Then he
began to croon and moan, and I knew midnight crowing could not be far behind.
Before he found his voice, I would have to find him a real home, and I was
determined that it not be a laboratory. I asked around the administration
offices until I found a woman with a weekend farm in the hill country. She told
me that her flock rooster was getting old and this new one would do nicely.
What a relief. I packed him into a cardboard box and left him with her on a
Friday afternoon. I’m sure having a harem sure beats donating your lenses to
science.That year chicken fever reached a pitch by the time the county fair rolled around at the end of September. I couldn’t bear to look at the white meat chickens, with their huge breast muscles and stocky legs. Like the turkeys, they looked maladapted, over-weight, and miserable. No, I stared at the show bantams in their tiny cages like a car fanatic at an auto show, taking in every detail, every finely penciled feather and glossy hackle. The silver Sebright laid me low. M.C. Escher couldn’t have invented a more beautiful chicken. Only nature can do that.
Most people, I suspect, want chickens for one of two things: meat or eggs. The thought of offing these chickens for meat would be, for me, similar to murder.

Dogs Make Waves at Social Surf-A-Thon Competition
This is so awesome!
About a week ago the seventh annual Surf-A-Thon dog-surfing
competition brought a few hundred dogs and their proud owners to Dog Beach in
Del Mar in the annual competition to raise funds for the Helen Woodward Animal
Center. The dogs were judged based on how well they rode the waves and stayed
on their boards, as well as whether they appeared to be having a good time. A
young Golden Retriever and semi-pro surfer, Ricochet, rode the waves to victory
both standing and sitting with tremendous grace and style.

September 18, 2012
Meet Lawrence’s Goldfinch
The Lawrence’s Goldfinch is a striking little finch, with
gray body plumage, yellow and black wing, and a yellow breast patch; males also
sport a black face, forehead, and chin.
This bird is known for its wandering ways; it can be common
in a certain area one year and totally absent the next. It feeds almost
entirely on seeds, particularly those of the common fiddleneck plant. It will
also visit backyard feeders for niger thistle seed. During the breeding season,
males form small flocks while females nest. Outside the breeding season, both
sexes gather in small flocks of fewer than 50 birds, sometimes with other
small, seed-eating birds.
Much of this goldfinch’s breeding range is under pressure
from rising human populations and development. Since it has a relatively small
population, habitat loss may put it at risk.
Its breeding status and distribution is still poorly known; more study
is needed to fully understand its population dynamics.

Vote for Wildlife
Wildlife depend on us voting this November to elect a
President and Congress who will address global warming--and defeat Big
Polluters and special interests who are trying to roll back critical
environmental laws.
A lot is at stake for wildlife in the coming elections. This
summer's extreme droughts and heat waves caused by climate change set Western
wildlife habitat ablaze; tar sands production threatens Canada's wolves as
ancient boreal forests are destroyed; and conservation programs that protect
the critically endangered Florida panther are under attack.Voting is one of the most direct ways we can make a difference for wildlife whose survival hangs in the balance. That is why I am asking you to join in the ranks of wildlife advocates who are pledging to vote for wildlife.
Together, we can elect the best candidates to protect wildlife by voting for wildlife on November 6th.
If climate-deniers and anti-environmental candidates are given power in November, a hundred years of environmental protections could be destroyed, and along with it--our chance to protect panthers, polar bears, river otters and sea turtles from Big Polluters.
There are only 56 days left until the November 6th election. Now is the time to commit to vote for wildlife-friendly candidates, and stay informed on how candidates measure up on protecting wildlife habitat and fighting climate change.
Wildlife cannot vote, but you can.

Can Sea Otters Save the World from Global Warming?
A new study by two UC Santa Cruz researchers suggests that a thriving sea otter population that keeps sea urchins in check will in turn allow kelp forests to prosper. The spreading kelp can absorb as much as 12 times the amount of CO2 from the atmosphere than if it were subject to ravenous sea urchins. Researchers gathered 40 years worth of data on otters and kelp blooms from Vancouver Island to the western edge of Alaska's Aleutian Islands.

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