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August 12, 2009

Acterra - Action for a sustainable earth

Acterra was formed in 2000 by the merger of two of the region's (San Francisco area) most respected and effective environmental organizations: the Peninsula Conservation Center Foundation (founded in 1970) and Bay Area Action (formed in 1990). Their long history of innovation and partnerships enables them to draw on the wisdom and experience of two generations of environmental leaders. Their mission is to bring people together to create local solutions that enhance the natural environment.

Please support Acterra by making a donation. Acterra works to empower and inspire local residents to take action for a healthy planet. Your gift allows them to reach more individuals and communities, providing hands-on opportunities to live more sustainably, become environmental leaders, and restore local lands. Your gift is tax-deductable to the fullest extent of the law.


  1. Bonjour ! Il y a moins de publicité : c'est mieux !

    Tes photos sont formidables. On dirait des tableaux !!

    A bientôt !



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